Friday 31 January 2014

5 life lessons Walt Disney taught me.

I feel as though some sort of Disney-related post is long overdue considering the fantastically creative and appropriate title of my blog.
The fact that I have a hugely extensive (and impressive) collection of Disney DVDs and I spend a considerable amount of my time watching those DVDs meant that it took me quite a long time to decide what I actually wanted to write about in relation to my child-like obsession with all things Walt.
I shall refrain from disclosing any other ideas that I came up with because I suspect they will be subject to a post not-so-far in the future. But after much deliberation I decided today was the day for...


The idea for this stemmed from a conversation with my mother this morning about how I am going to cope with living this weekend when her and my dad swan off to Lincolnshire and leave me here alone. Naturally I protested that by leaving me she was subjecting me to inevitable starvation because of my inability to cook, she came back (pretty harshly might I add) with the reality of my nearly 19 years of living experience amounting to, seemingly, absolutely nothing.
So that got me thinking, would I be any more of an acceptable 'adult' if I didn't spend my life talking, thinking and obsessing over Disney World, films, princesses, merchandise and everything else that can be even loosely associated with it. 
Personally, I think not. 
So here are all the lessons I've learnt from being a self-confessed Disney addict.

1. Cutting your hair will never, EVER be a good thing.
So most of you will know that my favourite film of all time is Tangled. For those of you who haven't seen this film; a) what the hell are you doing with your lives? and b) all you need to know is that it's basically the story of Rapunzel but with spectacular animation, beautiful music and a truck load of emotion. 
Anyhowwww, Rapunzel is not only the most beautiful Disney princess of all time, but she also has the most gorgeous hair ever to exist in the entirety of both the real and fictional world. 
Since I can remember I have always loved the story of Rapunzel and my hair has always been a massive swore spot, I absolutely despise getting it cut and all I ever want is it to be long. So when I watched Tangled I pretty much made up my mind that I will never ever get anything more than inch cut off of my hair. If even Rapunzel, the most beautiful character to ever be drawn, doesn't look all that nice with her hair cut off, then I most definitely won't. 
So that's what Tangled taught me. Long hair takes a life time to grow and only a second for your boyfriend to cut it off using a shard of glass to stop your evil stepmother/kidnapper from using you for your hair. Life skill numero uno: don't cut you hair. EVER.

Happy Rapunzel...

I hate my hair and consequently my life Rapunzel.

2. Don't take food from strangers.
Even if you're hungry and they're offering Mcdonalds.
Fair enough, I probably would have learnt this lesson somewhere along the line anyway but my girl Snow White pretty much hammered this lesson into me. We all know the story of Snow White eating the apple and falling into some sort of coma and what child, realistically, isn't going to be fucking terrified by that?!
What I find amusing is that the food Snow eats is an apple, so not only was us innocent children taught about the taking things from strangers rule, we were also taught that apples are to be avoided at all costs. I definitely took that lesson on board.
So yeah, if a randomer approaches you in the street and offers you food - would probably be wise to give that one a miss. 

Lets hope the apple was tasty enough to justify the coma...

3. People die.
I admit its a bit blunt and morbid but it's true that kids need to learn about it sometime and how better than to see a poor fawn see his mum get shot by a hunter.
I was never a big Bambi fan but I am almost certain that watching that movie would have been the first time that I was ever exposed to the idea of death. In true Disney fashion, the tragedy is soon masked and goes on to lead to a nice happy ending but they still introduced the idea and that was a pretty brave move so hats off to them. The movie was and still is absolutely heartbreaking though.

Maybe too much for a child to see?
I don't know...

4. Animals are so much better than humans.
This is the truest thing that I have ever written.
I am not by any means a people person and I am very much the animal lover so there is a slight possibility that there could be an element of bias here, but it is so true that Disney has shown over and over again how animals will always trump the humans.
Allow me to provide you with some examples:
Cinderella - Now I totally believe that Cinders was a nice enough person and all of that but there is no way in the world she would have been able to finish that dress on time for the ball if it wasn't for her furry friends.
Rapunzel - Again, an absolute top lass but she would have sent herself round the bend in that tower if it wasn't for good ol' Pascale keeping her company all the time.
The Lion King - An all animal cast and probably one of Disney's most famous creations. That says it all.
You get the idea. Animals are better than humans. Period.


5. There will always be a happy ending.
I truly believe that this is the main reason why I am so addicted to Disney movies. Doesn't everyone just want to believe that eventually there will be a happy ending?
Walt Disney has a true knack for helping us to believe that everything happens for a reason and that everything will always be okay in the end.
This is my favourite lesson of all. And I think that for those of you who think you're too old for these kind of films - you're probably right. But for as long as I keep feeling inspired by them, they'll still take pride of place on their beloved book shelf.

There you have it people, 5 lessons that Walt Disney taught me.

Until next time. 


Thursday 30 January 2014

Love, Friendship and Everything in between.

So I'm almost 100% sure that I am not the only person who does this.
I hope not anyway.

Every now and then I discover (and sometimes re-discover) songs that force  me to contemplate everything about my life. This happened to me a few days ago when I was driving home on a particularly nice evening from uni.
 I always play my music mega loud in my car and I tell people its because I like to feel the music 'soaking into my pores' but in reality its really only so that I can sing at the top of my lungs and not have to listen to my own voice.
Anyway, this is what I was doing when driving home the other night. Just driving down the A13 with Spotify on shuffle and enjoying life. 
Queue the life changing set of songs.

So I would suggest you give these songs a listen because they are honestly amazing.

Nirvana - Sam Smith.
Lay Me Down (Acoustic) - Sam Smith.
Strawberry Swing - Frank Ocean (Originally by Coldplay).

All these songs are so beautiful and as I sped home in my Fiat 500, I gave life a long, hard think about. 


Starting university is hard for everyone, but it was especially hard for me because it seemed to make things that used to be so easy for me, really really hard. 
It never occurred to me that happiness is sometimes only temporary, I always presumed that if you were happy, that was that. But that isn't the case. Which brings me to the first section of the incredibly cliché and not-so-original title of this emotion fest.

Anyone who knows me will vouch for me when I tell you that my history of all things 'love' is very sketchy. But I thought I had that all figured out now. One big lesson that I have learnt is that when two people love each other it isn't enough to make things easy for them, relationships take hard work and trust and dedication - not just love. 
I'd be a liar if I said that the changes in my life haven't affected the wholeness of my heart and there have been more than a few times that things have felt too hard to bare. I feel like I understand more what people mean now when they say that growing up is the hardest thing a person has to do. Because growing up hurts. And, unfortunately, with growing up comes change. 
I have no idea where things are going to go and whats going to happen. All I know is that being a grown up means having to change and adapt to the people you love changing too. Growing up means growing together or growing apart and accepting what happens regardless. And it means that you have to work things out or make hard decisions like an adult should. I guess only time will tell what that means.

Moving swiftly on...

Firstly I would like to express in a completely serious and non-sarcastic way how  lucky I feel to have stumbled across the amazing people that I met at Greenwich. They have made my experience so incredible so far and I truly believe that they will stay with me forever. (Or at least until I graduate and become a famous, rich barrister and then I'll be too rich and powerful to associate with those peasants - KIDDING, kidding...). Honestly though they're the best thing that could have happened to me at that place and I am honoured to call them my friends. 
Secondly, just want to say that I haven't forgotten about my best friends that may feel as though they have sometimes been left behind. Thats you two, Lauren Best and Katie McDermott (you better be reading this you slags). Again, I am so lucky to have two of the most special people on this planet that care so much for me and actually put up with my bullshit on a regular occurrence. I love you both, whole heartedly.
On a slightly sadder note, as I neared ever closer to home that night I couldn't help but to think about my friends from school. It got me ever so slightly teary thinking about how when I was at school I couldn't picture my life without some of those people and now I couldn't even tell you what they're doing with their lives. Life can be cruel like that, it pushes you away from the friends you love and it changes people so much that you forget the person you were when you met them. I miss you guys.

And lastly...

Everything In Between
So where is my life going now?
Well that is a great question and I wish I knew the damn answer. But I suppose if we had all the answers nothing would be interesting or exciting.
For now I'm just going to concentrate on 'finding myself' and figuring out who I want to be and what I want to do and where I want to go. 
If there is anything that university life has taught me its that there will always be somebody who has it worse then you do. Some people are ill, some have terrible family lives, some have money problems, relationship problems,weight problems... the list goes on.
We all feel as though our lives are ten times worse than everybody else's sometimes, but its important that we try to focus on what do have instead and being thankful for that.

God it feels better already to get that off of my chest!

Ciao Bellas 

Only me... again.

So I'm thinking that I should just stop promising that I'll be here on a regular basis and instead you shall just have to persevere with my erratic writing habits.  


Considering it's nearly the end of January I feel kind of inappropriate saying that I hope you all had a good christmas, but I do all the same.

It's unlikely that any of you aren't completely up-to-date with my life because I post every detail of it onto my twitter. Buuuuut in case you stumbled upon this blog without the constant pestering from me for you to read it, I shall let you know whats been going down anyway.
There really has only been one dramatic change in my life over the last two months and that was the little one, who so fiercely stole my heart, went home. The up-side to that is that I am no longer legally obliged to keep her identity a secret. Her name was Summer and I'll stick some photos on the bottom of this so you can see for yourselves that I wasn't joking when I said that she was an angel. So anyway, yeah she went home but she still comes for the occasional sleepover so that all turned out pretty well in the end.

I also haven't failed or dropped out of uni yet so that's a pretty monumental triumph as well, along with the fact that all of the friends I made at the start of the year don't hate me yet, hurrah!

Everything else is depressingly same old, same old. But now I'm back into the swing of the university routine I will try my absolute hardest to make our dates a more regular thing.

So until next time (Which, awkwardly, will probably be later today);

My hair finally grew. Can I get a hallelujah?!
P.S I included a recent photo of myself. Not because I am completely in love with myself but because its just nice to see how people change over time... isn't it? Maybe not, I don't know - whatever.

Here she is, what an angel.

Happy Princess xo

Just on our travels and that!

I'm so glad that these people adopted me. 
Having brand new friends is amazing, but I will forever appreciate how blessed I am to have a best friend like her.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

And she's back!

First things first; an apology.

Its been 8 months since I last blogged and even for my extreme laziness, that's pretty bloody poor. But I'm back and this time I'm here to stay... probably.

I am almost certain that you're all dying to know where the hell I've been and what I've been doing with my oh-so-exciting lifestyle, if this is the case - read on. If you're really not all that interested (and let's be honest, why would you be?) then I'd suggest you stop wasting your time reading this nonsense. 

So let's start with the little girl that I mentioned all that time ago when I first started this writing of feelings business. I'm going to call her S for reasons that have also been previously mentioned.
S is now 2 and a half and she is still the apple of my eye. It really has been incredible to watch her grow over the short time she has been with us and the thought of her not being part of our lives seems almost alien to me. Unfortunately though, that thought is soon to be a harsh reality. On the 23rd of December (yup, 2 effin days before Christmas, the supposed day of joy!) she is going to go home and then that will be that.
I don't really want to dwell too much on that thought because if I'm honest I'm almost certain that letting her go is going to be excruciating for me and I have no idea how I am supposed to handle it. But for now, all I can do is appreciate the time that is left.

So what else is new? Well...

That's right boys and girls, despite my almost constant state of procrastination throughout college I managed to get shit done and do what I set out to do.
So you are no longer reading the blog of a petty college student, and instead are reading the memoirs of a prestigious soon-to-be barrister studying at the University of Greenwich, London. Okay, okay I'm probably not prestigious, and being a barrister isn't going to happen any time soon but the Greenwich thing was accurate.
Being a uni student is excellent and horrendous, uplifting and soul-destroying, interesting and dull, all at the same time, and I love it! (I also love my beautiful use of juxtaposition in each of those pairs of words - you're welcome, Great Britain). 

Uni life has been life changing for me for a number of reasons:
1. I have to drive a minimum of a 3 hour round trip everyday just to educate myself.
 This has resulted in me having to sell my beautiful yellow VW Beetle and having to invest in a brand spanking new Fiat 500. Yes, it is sexy.To be honest the driving doesn't bother me all that much, what does bother me is sitting in traffic at half 6 in the morning when you know you're only doing it for a 2 hour lecture. But on the whole, the driving is fine.
2. I had to make NEW FRIENDS!!!!!
This is something that I was almost certain would never ever happen. Let's be honest, I hate socialising, I hate people and people hate me so the odds were brutally stacked against me. Despite that, I did it. On my second day I met a fantastic set of girls that have now gone on to be some very good friends to me. I also made a friend on twitter (very 21st century) who after avoiding any physical, social contact for about 3 weeks has actually gone on to be one of my best friends. So, surprisingly, I am not at all struggling on the friend front.
3. I have soooooooooooooo much work to do, alllllllll the time.
There isn't much else to say about that really. Obviously that is the shit part of university life but it's kind of the bulk so it's something that really needs to be got over quickly.

As a whole, I'm doing well there and more importantly I'm enjoying it. Hurrah!

Not much else is that new in my life actually. My brother moved out, which is absolutely fantastic. I am currently working as an elf over the festive season although most of my work buddies have and up'd and left... heartbreaking :(
My fabulous collection of Disney DVDs is still growing and I am still understandably proud of it. Over the summer all my dreams came true because I went to DISNEY WORLD! It was literally the most incredible thing of my whole life and there isn't much I wouldn't do to go back and one day I will. I also went on my first ever holiday without mumsie and father to Magaluf with my bestest friend Katie and, of course, Benn as our body guard. That was also pretty amazing. 

I guess I should probably rap this up now, I've told you everything that you've missed and I promise not to fall off of the edge of the planet again any time soon. I'll throw some photos at the end of this blog to show you what's been going down instead of just telling you.

Until next time, beautiful world - goodnight. 

Saturday 23 March 2013


Hi all! I do hope you're all fine and dandy and enjoying your weekend. I can tell you that I am most certainly enjoying mine and I'm sure you would just love to know the reason why that is. Well, you're in luck; because I'm about to tell you. 

On Friday, myself and the lovely Benn Hepworth went to see The Script's #3 tour at the 02 arena. Wow, seriously just wow.

I had already seen the script on the 23rd of March back in 2011 but I loved them so much that I practically begged Benn to buy me and him tickets to go and see them again for my 18th birthday. And here's a little post about how it was. 

Our day started with a trip to Basildon where I picked up a new outfit for the evening as I had literally zero outfits in my wardrobe that didn't look like I had bought them from some sort of illegal charity shop. After that, we come home where I spent the whole of ten minutes getting myself ready to go like the pinnacle of femininity that I am. At around half 3 in the afternoon we left. Now, I'm not a fan of the underground so we couldn't go by train and so I had planned on driving us there, but for any of you guys that know my dad you'll have already guessed that he forced himself on me and insisted that he would drive us there and then drive back to pick us up. I had to do the obligatory half-hearted protest but at the end of the day he saved me like £25 petrol and another £30 parking so I was pretty chuffed. The journey there was pretty standard, dad dropped us off in the usual car park and in we went.

I was pretty damn excited to go in because it was Benn's first ever time in the 02 and his first ever time seeing a concert! I think I was more excited about this than he was but never mind. Then we ate dinner in Frankie and Benny's which would have been fine if they hadn't seated us outside and left me shivering over my steak. But I wasn't going to let a bit of cold ruin my spirits. 

And then the worst happened. 

Here's a piece of advice that you should hold on to very tightly: Never, EVER wear new shoes when you're going to be walking around a lot. That's right, clever cloggs Jordan decided to wear a pair of brand new creepers. Yay for my bleeding feet. Even a whole pack of plasters couldn't salvage the horrendous situation and it ended with Benn having to take one for the team and give me his white socks to put on with my all black outfit. As you can imagine, I looked choice. Thank God there is nothing I could care less about than the way I look. I was comfortable and excited and that was all that mattered.

By the time the whole blister palava was sorted, the doors were open and we could go in to the main arena. We found our seats pretty easily, I had never sat so high up before and although it meant that I wouldn't quite be seeing the sweat beads on Danny O'Donoghue's beautiful face, it did mean that I could see the whole of the arena which was absolutely beautiful. In my opinion they were the best seats we could have been in for Benn to be able to take in the full experience of his first ever concert. Cutie.

The support band were called The Original Rudeboys, I wasn't much looking forward to them on account of their shit name but they were actually really good! Yeah okay they could have done with holding back on the rapping a bit but with 'Rudeboys' in their name, the rapping was pretty inevitable. But yeah as a whole, a good support band. And they were from Ireland which fit nicely in with The Script plus they had the lovely Irish accents which made me feel all warm inside. 

And then The Script came on.

Spoiler alert. But considering they're playing their final show of the tour as I type, it shouldn't be a problem. They opened the show with Good Ol' Days which is from their new album. I looooooooove this song, and correctly predicted that it would be the opening song. Check me out! A few songs in they sang Breakeven, I could never explain to you in a few words how much this song means to me so when it came on, it felt like the whole world had stopped spinning. It was beautiful, really really amazing, one of their best in fact. Then they went on to sing the majority of the new album with drips and drabs of their old stuff. Towards the end of the night they got the crowd to sing The Man Who Can't Be Moved. During this, I stopped singing and listened to the rest of the arena singing together and I wanted to stay in that moment for a very long time. After that they sang I'm Yours. Christ. The last time I went to see The Script I was in a really dark place in my life, and I remember listening to Danny singing I'm Yours with his guitar and I broke down in tears. And this time I did exactly the same. It was such a strange feeling because it overwhelmed me how much my life had changed since I had last stood in that arena and listened to that song, they were most definitely happy tears. 

And then they said goodnight and came back on and did a couple of encore songs. They ended with Hall Of Fame which was excellent and then they did their bowing and off they went. 

All in all it really was a sublime night. I loved every second, even the seconds when my feet were in excruciating pain. 

My weekend continued to be good times because I got to work this morning and was told it was closed all weekend. What, a, bonus.  

So yeah, it's been a good couple of days for me. And now it's bed time. Goodnight all. 


Thursday 21 March 2013

The top 10.

Okay, so you should all know that I hate Thursdays. I hate everything about them. I have Law followed straight away by Psychology at college and then I finish at 20 to 3 and have to go straight to my dad's garden centre to start work at 3 o'clock which means I am always late due to my psychology teachers incapability to let us out just a few minutes early. Work in itself is a burden because I am not the type of person who enjoys being alone with nothing to do, maybe I'll use that time to write these posts in future? 

So, what I've decided is to do a weekly post about the top 10 music chart on a Thursday in an attempt to lessen my hatred for the retched day of the week. The decision was brought about for these posts when I was having a conversation with a friend about music not 5 minutes ago and I thought 'Yeah, I could write about music every week. Easy peasy'. We'll see how it goes.

Here we go then. I am going to go by the iTunes top 10 chart because everyone trusts apple (said the girl typing on the PC laptop. I have an iPhone though so I'm allowed to say that still).

10. One way or another (Teenage Kicks) - One Direction.
Okay so I must at this stage confess that I am a huge One Direction fan. I went to see them at the 02 arena a few weeks ago and it made my life. They sang this song when I went to see them and I listen to it on loop in the car for substantially long periods of time and in my opinion it's one of those that you just can't get tired of. I hated the Blondie original and Teenage Kicks on it's own isn't up there with my favourite songs but the combination of 1D's voices and these two songs seems pretty perfect to me.And it's all for charity so that means you can't hate it anyway.

9. White Noise - Disclosure
Being a religious Radio 1 listener, I have heard this song more times than I am willing to discuss. At first I was like 'oo yeah, what a banger. Rave, rave, rave' and now I'm all like 'Oh my god, get this offensiveness away from my ears'. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that if you haven't heard it yet (which is unlikely as it is horrifically overplayed) then you should give it a whirl and have a little boogie. But if, like me, you've heard it over ten thousand times, it starts to get on your tits just a little. Saying that, I'm sure the next time I'm drunk in a club and it comes on, I'll scream like its my favourite tune and go and dance very badly to it. 

8. Ho Hey - The Lumineers
This one is pretty simple to talk about it because it is just so damn lovely! Ignoring the fact that all of The Lumineers' songs sound pretty much the same, their music is just so nice and happy! I realise that I just used two of the potentially most boring adjectives ever invented but that's my description. Plus, it's a nice little love song; and we all love a love song.

7. Thrift Shop - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (ft. Aluna George)
Right so everyone I have spoken to absolutely adores this song. Here's my deal with it: I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. That's right, I don't know whether its because I am not exactly fluent in 'gangsta talk' or if I'm just being thick but I just don't understand what the hell Macklemore is talking about! To start with he says 'Wha' 32 times at the start of the song. 32 TIMES! Who on God's earth needs to say that word 32 times? Then he goes on to tell us that he is going to 'pop some tags', what does that mean?! I assumed it meant buy some designer clothes but considering he only has $20 in his pocket, I am unsure as to how he's going to pop anything but a balloon with that kind of money. Sorry guys, but I'm not impressed by this one. 

6. Ready Or Not - Bridgit Mendler
For a regular radio listener, I was surprised to find that I actually hadn't heard this song before. So I gave it a cheeky YouTube and I have to say that first impressions wern't great. I liked the lyrics I guess but it isn't the sort of thing I'd pay 99p for on iTunes. But then again, once I've heard it a few more times I'll probably be loving it. 

5. Pompeii - Bastille
Okay so I adore this song. Funnily enough, this was the song that me and a friend were talking about when I decided to write this post. I'm not sure if there is anyone else on this planet that will agree with me but I really think they sound like The Wanted and You Me At Six's lovechild! Anyone? No? Okay then. I think Pompeii is such a beautiful song, one of those tunes that you listen to on a sunny day when you're driving with your shades on in your bright yellow VW Beetle. Just me? Cool. Anyway, yeah Pompeii gets a thumbs up from me. So does Bastille.

4. When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars
Is there anything that Bruno Mars does badly? Every song he releases seems to make the whole world fall in love with him just a little bit more. What amazes me about this song is that in it he is clearly admitting that he was obviously a pretty rubbish boyfriend and the break up was his fault for not bringing his girl flowers and giving her all his hours, yet we still hate the ex girlfriend! He seems to be the only person who is able to be the arsehole guy that's singing about how much of an idiot he was and still makes himself so unbelievably desirable. Good on you Bruno, you tha man.

3. Just Give Me A Reason - Pink
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. She's so lovely isn't she? Such a hard exterior but that girl is just so deep. This song is beautiful, I can totally connect with Pink. And it has Nate Ruess from FUN in it which totally bumps it up a few points. Not much else to say about this song if I'm honest, all I will add is that if you're a Pink fan you should listen to 'Glitter in the air' that song touches me on so many levels.

2. Mirrors - Justin Timberlake
Now you should know that I really am not in any way a JT fan. I hated his comeback song Suit and Tie and I am yet to listen to his new album. It's not really that I don't like his music, well... I don't like his music, but it's more to do with how much of a terrible actor he is. That just puts me off of everything else he does. Having said that, I love Mirrors! It's ridiculously catchy, the lyrics are good and it's so deep! I have spent 99p on that and what a worthy 99p. Excellent JT, good job!

And now for number 1. Drum roll please...

1. What About Us - Little Mix (feat. Sean Paul)
Well isn't this a catchy little tune?! I haven't always been a big Saturdays fan but I agree with the general population on this one. I kind of wish Sean Paul wasn't involved but I guess the combination of rapping and pop songs is a must if you're after a number 1 these days so I forgive you ladies. So yes, very good choice for number 1. 

There we have it people! The low-down on the top 10. Enjoy your week of music and we'll re-group next Thursday. Same time, same place. I'll be here. 

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Well, that plan failed.

For those of you that read my post from this morning, you will know that I had a pretty structured plan of how my day was going to pan out and you'll remember that I said I'd try to inform you if anything changed. 

Firstly, I opted for breakfast. Not sure why, I just went downstairs and thought 'hey, I'm going to have some coco pops today!'. Then, Benn didn't beep outside in his Punto, he rang the doorbell! Obviously that wasn't a life changing difference from the plan but I like to be thorough. 

College went as smoothly as it usually does. With the inevitable struggle to find a parking space and more than one Malteser bunnie being consumed. Although I did decide to spend my break between lessons in Basildon's Waterstones, re-living my childhood through Beatrix Potter and A. A. Milne. The main difference to my previous planning was that me and Benn didn't make it to our wicked Wednesday pub quiz! There were a string of reasons really. The main one being that Benn's mum was ill and so couldn't come, and seeing as she's the one who gets the only correct answers we decided it wasn't worth going without her. Benn also had coursework that needed to be done so he dropped me home and we went our seperate ways for the evening. 

I spent the evening watching 'We bought a zoo' which I absolutely loved. If you're an animal lover or a really-cute-film lover, you need to get on that. And Matt Damon is pretty dishy in it which helps with the watch-factor. Then I had dinner and then dad asked me if I could go to the shop and buy some beers for him. No problem, I thought. I was wrong.
So I walk into the shop at the end of my road which I am in all of the time and the guy who serves me is a guy who is always up for a chat. He asks to see my ID so I give it to him. He then tells me that that isn't my ID and that I look like I'm 16!! Unimpressed I told him that that was me in the picture and I certainly wasn't 16 considering I was holding my car keys in my hand. After telling him the make of my car, and having to show him every form of identification in my purse he finally accepted that I was old enough to buy the effin beers, by which stage I was in half a mind to go and get them from the Co-Op across the road. It was infuriating to say the least.

After that I went home and the rest of my night was as I would expect a Wednesday night in to be.

I hope the rest of your Wednesdays wernt filled with bland lessons and insults from shop keepers.

It's time for me to hit the sack. At 8 minutes to 9. I really am living the life of luxury. Goodnight all. Sweet dreams.